Sunday 18 July 2010


Before we start, 'a bit of housekeeping',( an expression I ironically love as I try to never do actual cleaning or tidy, unless for reasons of entrophy), I must recommend a book, my Mum has been reading SUM:40 TALES FROM THE AFTERLIFE. I've been dipping in an out and this small tome, is a cheeky, flirty and wonderful little creative book about our very existence; Yes, it's ideas such as these that I must fill my mind with heartily to avoid avoidance and anxiety, but more on that another, brighter day.

It's good to make note of such things as existentialism and politics, especially the latter because that just makes me feel warm and fuzzy with a cup of coffee, oh yes sir.

When I was waltzing back from Wimbledon Common the other week in a peaky fit over the fact of my Fatherlessness,  when I happened upon a dirty trodden in post-it note with the word FUN scrawled on it in a strange 'spacky' hand. Now 'FUN' is something that alludes me, and I don't have FUN, I engage, I engage with this gnawing feeling in the gut and how to keep it at bay, my mind is always elsewhere.... but there is no point moaning on about this to friends, family or Dawkin's Forbid A BLOG, one must address these issues because no-one else cares or wants to. I accept this, I am genuinely looking for a way to engage in FUN as it were. More on this news when we get it.

(Sneezing like a Bastard), well as it stands, I am dedicating the next couple of weeks to preparing/rehearsing/prop-buying/sound-engineering/co-set-designing/producing/advertising This One Man Show, amongst my usual business, although a lot of the usual business will be minimized and will compliment all the work on This One Man Show.... so all the things I keep in seperate little boxes of my life will all mingle and coagulate, look it has even happened here!

I have lots of ideas for this blog that has nothing to do with this project, but I do need to keep in the habit of constantly mentioning it wherever I go, which is rather draining, in a good, I am not thinking about the fact that I am an insignificant organism on a little rock in a galaxy somewhere in this universe, a microbic dot on the eyelash of 'God'.... yes, it's good I am not concerning myself with such things.

Roll on september, and in the meantime, stick your hand down the pants of my sister-blog: and you'll get lots of strange stuff over the next couple of weeks at irregular intervals as well as a podcast, perhaps, all the kids are doing them these days are they not?


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