Sunday 15 August 2010

"No, Morlock, No!"

 The 'Sunday Scribblings' stuff about 'VIEW' is at the bottom, after the preamble waffly stuff :)

In an attempt to get out of the Blog-cliche of the diarists waffle, I endevoured to pursue an ordinary 'Umbrella Subject' again... and failing to think of anything... or be told by someone else (suggestions always gratefully welcome)....

...When I was younger and much more commited to Nihilism, I used to imagine that in the future there would be a machine (in my head a whirry steam-punk one) that would be able to work out every single permatation of the ordering of words, in terms of literature. (The natural conclusion to that 'if you had 100 monkey's bashing out at a 100 typewriter's, eventually you'd get War & Peace'...) so this machine would renders writer's not only obsolete, but entirely pointless, because all the books/poems/songs/plays/opera's; so on and so forth, would all have been written; a somewhat depressing thought - but really it's my 2-dimensional mind making sense of the fact that WORDS aren't ours and they can be put in a particular order by computations in a way, perhaps in an exremely complicated way... if it's looked at another way, perhaps its to assess the relation of the Author to his or her particular words.... That's why I am just as fascinated by 'the narrative of the author themself' more than the actual work sometimes....

ALL THIS PREAMBLE was leading into something, oh yes, 'Random Subject Generator'; I found all these prompts and stuff to give you idea's and subjects to write about... I suppose it's much 'safer' than just writing about ANYTHING, although 'write the first subject that comes into your head' thing, is 'dangerous' as the likliest thing that will pop into your head is something criminal/secret/perverted.... the 'template' method is nice, because there is a supposed space for you to fill out 'your little bit', right back to tracing your chunky pencil over the dotted lines that formed the letter 'a' back at nursery...

I wanted to share a little link for Guerrila Artist Keri Smith and her wonderful and brilliant ways she gets people to generate and more importantly spread ideas into our natural envirionment as a creative antidote to capitalism and advertising.

 AM GETTING TO IT...right, well now, I found through the GOOGLESPHERE, 'sunday scribblings' which comes up with 'prompty' stuff for you to write about, so lets do that....


Well, here it is then....

The prompt this week is: view.  What's the view from your window?  What's your view on life?  On the current world situation? What's the best view you have ever seen?  Had?  What's your dream view?  Have you expressed your views?

It's hard to appreciate 'views' of any kind when your young, and as most of my experience has been 'juvenile' it's  relatively new experience to just 'take in a view', it's very much wrapped up in 'the moment' something one is always chasing after.... but being an ANGSTY type, alluded more often than not... unfortunately I do not have a good view from my TEMPORARY bedroom window, it looks out onto the neigbours rather bland minimalist garden, the bland canvas slab with a tiny window, of another neigbours back wall (distracted by the fact I can't spell neighbours but am not going to check...)  but you can just see over the fence and down the little side road and last night at about 1am there was some screeching, and two rather cumbersome arguesome types were waddling home drunk cattawalling, and I got a distinct silohette of a skinheaded male with cruthes and a slapper in a miniskirt and I felt all suburban twitchy-curtain, was shashing...

Views on life, tsk! Now this holds no odds, because I just can't have a fixed one, I have an ABSURDIST's view on life and a blank scientific explanation based on what is self-evident or the most 'tidy'... we are carbon-based lifeforms on a little rock in the solar system, in a galaxy on the outer-arm of the milky-way, in terms of scale of meaning of a lives in the sense of the transitory, the millimetric strip of time o our existence as an individual... A great line in waiting for godot goes 'we are born and we die in the same second'.... beyond this on the sense of self and personality blah blah blah.... the brain is swirling chemicals and this gives us an illusion of free-will; an over simplification, but a nice sledgehammer bleak one in the face of the chaos of the world at large - all this STUFF THAT GOES ON, is bonus, is filler.... although I do beleive in 'the eternal mystery of the human heart'....

The current world situation... it's easy to fall into that 'New World Order' conspiracy bullshit, or the idea of World War III (which I saw that Philip K. Dick was obsessed with) but yes, I do find the representation the West has of the East and visa versa, and it's very silly, although you get down to the grass-roots level and its unavoidable, all I try to do is contribute when I can concentrate on charities, and such, but this veneer of 'society' may just GO at any time, must be prepared for that....  yes, I am nt blinkered to the terror's of the world but yet it's sudden precariousness and uncaring ability for it all to be smushed up....(I am a shoe-in for the U.N. job now ;))

The best view I've ever seen; (Brain scan); I'm going through all those hills and countryside views, the shadows of clouds on meadows once filled me with an indescribable feeling of warmth....

This whole doubling up the meaning of expressing of views has become tiresome... as I am sure it has to anyone (Patty) reading it ;)

Praise the Lord, and pass me the ammunition.

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